Customer Service: This assessment helps to identify those people who naturally feel comfortable helping others, who maked others feel comfortable in any setting and who take genuine pleasure in identifying the needs of others and then help them meet those needs.
Good customer service employees are not overly self-conscious, or overly-cautious when approaching others because they feel they may not be helpful. Nor are they too concerned with what others may think about them.
On the other hand, they are not so self-sufficient that they have little interest in others, and too little concern for what others think of them, therefore running the risk of being offensive. Lastly, they derive their esteem/motivation from helping others and establishing relationships.
 TraitSettm Benefits
  • Reduce number of interviews
  • Provide interview questions
  • Weed out poorly fitting hires

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Home: Ready-to-work: Work Ethic - Integrity: Sales Potential: Customer Service: Leadership: Work with Numbers: Antagonistic Behavior:

1) Warmth:

2) Extravert:

3) Agreeable:

4) Friendly:

5) Self-conscious:

6) Self-sufficiency:

7) Relating Dynamic:
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