Leadership/Management Aptitude: What makes a good leader and manager often depends on such contextual factors as the organization's culture, function, sector, industry, and the level of the job position.
Management and leadership have different orientations, but both exert an influence over people (usually subordinates) and most positions include a combination of the two.
Leadership: The desire to lead, establish direction and assume primary responsibility for establishing the overall directives and objectives. Emphasis is on directing and influencing.
Management: The desire to manage, develop others and assume responsibility for the overall execution of directives and objectives. Emphasis is on development and resource utilization.
The scales measured in this assessment are applicible to both management and leadership.
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  • Weed out poorly fitting hires

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Home: Ready-to-work: Work Ethic - Integrity: Sales Potential: Customer Service: Leadership: Work with Numbers: Antagonistic Behavior:

1) Assertion:

2) Confidence:

3) Adaptability:

4) Calm/Patience:

5) Competence:

6) Extravert:

7) Leader Dynamic:

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