Sales Potential: The goal of this assessment is to identify people who are socially aggressive, exhibit a take-charge attitude where they like to influence others, and have the confidence to deal with others when there is social ambiguity and the possibility of rejection. They are usually achievement oriented, feel responsible for their own successes and are often socially demonstrative about their successes (e.g., display the trappings of success which is related to ego needs as they seek the success image). They are not reliant upon others for direction, support or motivation but are more internally driven. Often their strong social skills are secondary to their desire to influence others and sell their product. They are independent (need little external structure) and have less need to join organizations (i.e., entrepreneurial) or work on teams.

This is different from CUSTOMER SERVICE where they exhibit a strong motivation to help others and meet the needs of CUSTOMERS as they define them. Salespeople drive from their PRODUCT (opposed to stated customer needs) and assume that a shopper or client may/may not have an interest in any particular item (making a purchase at that time) but your goal is to help identify their unstated needs and make a sale. The assumption is that if a person is shopping, they are probably interested in purchasing (rather than just looking) so the goal is to meet those expectations even if the customer is indecisive.
 TraitSettm Benefits
  • Reduce number of interviews
  • Provide interview questions
  • Weed out poorly fitting hires

Compute your turnover costs

Home: Ready-to-work: Work Ethic - Integrity: Sales Potential: Customer Service: Leadership: Work with Numbers: Antagonistic Behavior:
The following data is intended to provide information on some basic dimensions of personality. This information should be viewed as only one source of information that may be helpful in generating hypotheses about the person being evaluated. No decisions should be based solely on this information but it should be integrated with other sources such as personal interviews and references. The data is confidential and should be used by qualified professionals and should not be released to the individual being evaluated.

TraitSettm Sales Potential Report for Tom Example
Job Position: Sales Rep

Overall Sales Potential = 96%
TraitSettm Scores (%)
Egoist Dynamic
Leader Dynamic
Intiative/Risk Taking
Anchor Cerry Picking

Negative Scores are RED (Lower = Better)

NOTE: Moderate scores may not trigger questions.

TraitSettm Score Description and Questions
Assertion - Very High
They are very aggressive in their behavior (May be intimidating)

   Do you feel that being right is so important that you are willing to take anyone on?
Confidence - Very High
They are extremely confident suggesting it may be exaggerated.

   Very confident people may threaten others, how do you make them feel at ease?
Independence - Very High
They are extremely independent where they do NOT like to be told what to do.

   Would you rather work alone and be your own boss or take this job?
Egoist Dynamic - Average
They have no greater or less sense of being motivated by self-interest than others.

Leader Dynamic - Very High
They are highly motivated by controlling others and influencing behavior (may be forceful and controlling).

   Give me 2 examples of when your "take charge attitude" gets in the way.
Initiative/Risk Taking - Very High
They have an extreme willingness to take initiative or incur risk.

   What are the 2 best examples of a risk that you took that didn't work out?
Achievement - Very High
They are highly driven to excel or achieve (no comment on integrity of approach).

   What are the limits that you won't go beyond to be successful or make the sale?
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